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As a state chapter, Pennsylvania NAME (PA-NAME) seeks to advance the mission and pursue the objectives of NAME across the state of Pennsylvania.  PA-NAME's primary event is its annual spring conference.



President:  Carol Haney-Watson, PhD


Vice President:  Kristine Lewis Grant, PhD


Secretary:   Daniela DiGregorio, PhD 


At-Large Board Members:

Katie Culver


Jo Ann Jankoski


Brenda Muzeta


Priya Poehner


Contact us at



Millersville Host Committee

Miriam Marguerita Gomez Witmer


Abdulsalami Ibrahim


Deborah Tamakloe




About NAME

The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) is a non-profit organization that advances and advocates for equity and social justice through multicultural education. NAME's objectives are to:


a) provide opportunities for learning in order to advance multicultural education, equity and social justice.


b) proactively reframe public debate and impact current and emerging policies in ways that advance social, political, economic and educational equity through advocacy, position papers, policy statements and other strategies.


c) provide the preeminent digital clearinghouse of resources about educational equity and social justice.

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